Monday 5 September 2011

A2 Summer Holiday Work Task Two - Research and Understanding

Rizzle Kicks

They are bringing Old School style music back into the charts and have already had two top 10 singles in the last month so, like many artists today, they have quickly risen to fame.

The video for the song "Down With The Trumpets" looks quite niche. They are going around Brighton with a trumpet and a boombox machine which gives an urban theme.
Also, the niche theme suggests they are not trying to hard to get a number 1 hit but just sticking to what they know and connotations such as the boombox machine suggests not that they always carry one around, but it tells the audience what their musical style is. Another connotation could be the cup of tea at the end of the video, which suggests this is something else that they are used to or that they can be linked to.
They are wearing casual clothes as well as a few urban accessories eg hats and necklaces.

Editing: The cuts are quick, when the lyrics are being rapped, it usually cuts from them rapping a line on the street and finishing it on the television screen.

MES: It is filmed in Brighton and in parts of the video they are at a beach and a park, so there is a flavour of what it is like there.

Ed Sheeran

He is portrayed to be young and unique and, in some cases niche, although he has also had 2 top ten hits recently.

Editing - The video for this song and another top 10 song of his are in black and white. This could convey a mysterious mood and we may be unsure what happens in the video.

MES - Like another of his songs "The A Team", he does not make many appearances in this video. This could be to keep his look niche and to make his name bigger than his appearance, although many people will recognise Ed Sheeran.
There are many connotations in this video such as the Buddha which could link to various aspects.

The Wanted

They are represented as a normal boyband and it is easy to assume that they have appeared on The X Factor or Britain's Got Talent. Their latest song is a little different to their previous singles:

This song sounds and looks more like a club song compared to a boyband song, and the CEMS depict this.

Editing - The editing shows them in a club one minute and the next jumping into the sea from a high part of a beach. Not many boybands typically do this, so the conventions and stereotypes are being pushed and altered.

MES - This video is set in an area of Spain which looks like it is popular amongst British people. This would be a typical scenario for a dance music video but this shows that The Wanted are trying to differentiate and not go down the usual boyband route, ie cheesy key-changing songs and curtain-style hair.

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