Friday 14 October 2011

Audience Research Results

After we wrote the interview questions, various people, male and female, were asked these questions and these are the results.

Jessica Quinn, 18
Indie Fan

1. What clothes do you wear?
I tend to follow the trends of most female indie artists, so normally dresses with cropped jackets and ankle boots. When the weather changes I swap the dresses with tight skinny jeans or leggings. My wardrobe is mainly filled with these style of clothes but in the morning I just through together the pieces of clothing depending on what mood I wake up in.

2. Do you follow the same style as the indie artists you like?
I would say so, yeah. I love identifying the artists' new trends when I see them in magazines and on television.

3. Do you see indie artists as an icon/role model?
As Indie artists follow what they believe in and so do I, I guess so. The trend is set by the artist following in what they believe in, however I see the fashion and dress sense as more of an icon for me.

4. What are the key aspects that attract you to indie music?
I love the individuality that each artist has and their connection to the music.

5. Do you go to gigs on a regular basis?
Sometimes, but not on a regular basis.

6. When was the last gig that you went to?
I think the last one I went to was a couple of weeks ago in my town, which was amazing! The band were also local.

7. In Indie music videos, what do you expect to see and why?
I want to see the artist a lot, I don't like it if they remain too anonymous. The clothing is important as well as many indie fans can connect to the fashion of the artist!

8. Do you expect different things from different indie artists?
Ermm, yeah I think so because there are different types of indie genres, so for each off shoot of Indie, the audience expect different things.

The trend our group noticed in Jessica's answers is the fact that she follows the trends of fashion, so this is something we will consider when we create our music video.

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