Friday 14 October 2011

Audience Research Results

The second person we interviewed was a 15 year old boy that enjoyed indie music, but it wasn't his favourite genre. However, interviewing him is still a necessary aspect of our audience research as we could gain a different perspective of the genre and how it is depicted.

Alex Jones, 15
Music Fan

1. What clothes do you wear?
I wear chinos most of the time, however I do wear jeans occasionally. I also wear Polo's or plain T-shirts.

2. Do you follow the same style as the indie artists you like?
I don't follow one artist's style in particular, generally I follow a trend more than anything.

3. Do you see indie artists as an icon/role model?
Indie artists are inspirational as they are unique and individual to themselves. Many people aspire to this method as it is successful.

4. What are the key aspects that attract you to indie music?
There is a real sense of variation in this type of music and there is a good beat as well!

5. Do you go to gigs on a regular basis?
Not particularly, it's not my game.

6. When was the last gig that you went to?

A couple of months ago.

7. In Indie music videos, what do you expect to see and why?

I expect to see the instruments and the artists themselves.

8. Do you expect different things from different indie artists?

Erm, personally yes, but there are different types of indie music, therefore I think there are different expectations.

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